Tech info


It fundamentally solvesair-conditioning diseases!
Dehumidification without changing the temperature
The temperature doesn't change
Coolingwith dehumidification
It fundamentally solvesair-conditioning diseases!
Cleanventilation to block moisture inflow
You need to block moisture inflowto get premium ventilation!
Minimizesuspended virus viability
Viruses Are Hard to Live!
Fasterair cleaning
There's no problem with fine dust!
Stronger deodorization capabilities
Remove odors and VOCs
Reducing green house gases
ESG Management Best Solution
Reduce electricity bills
It's possible to reduce the cost of cooling!
Dehumidification and cleaningventilation system
HUMICON's unique desiccant technology Provides healthier and more pleasant air, Clean, ventilate, dehumidify, and cool in a smart way
Desiccant Dehumidification Filter
Desiccant Dehumidifier filter is 5 times better than conventional dehumidifying materials It has its own regeneration capability and can be used semi-permanently.
Dehumidification without changingtemperature
The desiccant dehumidification technology adjusts the humidity
without changing the temperature
Cooling with dehumidification
Create a cooling effect with dehumidification without temperature change. You can also avoid the risk of air-conditioning sickness.
Clean ventilation preventing
moisture inflow
Are you worried that ventilation will increase the humidity and temperature?When it prevents moisture and heat inflow, it is indeed premium ventilationMaintain a comfortable indoor environment with clean ventilation that fundamentally blocks the ingress of moisture.
floating virus, bacteria Minimize viability
Maintain the ideal humidity of 50%, which HUMICON does best,
to stop viruses from growing.
the overwhelming brilliance of the dehumidifying material
Faster air cleaning
99.4% performance of fine dust reduction rate!Clean the air with ultra-fine dust using an electronic hepa filter!
무독성 공기청정 시험성적표
A fundamental solution to eliminating odors
Stronger deodorizing power!
Best results in certified test results for life odor removal areas such as ammonia! Quickly remove living odors with a special performance that removes odor molecules only from HUMICON.
무독성 공기청정 시험성적표
Desiccant Dehumidification Technology Introduction
Humaster Technology Introduction Video
CAC GLOBAL Summit 2020
Manufacture of moisture absorption sheet
5 times more hygroscopic than conventional dehumidifiers such as silica gel

Excellentmoisture absorption/moisturization repeatability: 100,000 repetitive tests

Noharm to the human body (check compliance with safety standards)

Easeof production, processing, and molding

2010Domestic Patent, 2011 U.S. Patent Registration

2014Patent and Technology Awarded by the Korean Intellectual Property Office

EnvironmentMinistry's certification of green technology in 2017
Manufacture of moisture absorptionsheet
Moisture Control Mattress
Moisture filter production
I recommend it
"알레르기 비염 완화하는 방법이 없을까.."
먼지 농도, 온도 변화에 민감한 환자
"너무 습해서 우리 아이가 잠을 잘 못자요."
우리 아이 잠자리를 걱정하는 엄마
"더운데 바람들까,에어컨을 킬수가 없어.."
산후조리 중인 임산부
"실내 먼지로 가득한데 환기는 어려워.."
집 밖에 나가기 힘든 어르신
"습기로 곰팡이, 녹이 계속 생겨.."
산업 환경을 고민하는 담당자
"에너지 사용을 줄이는 방법이 있을까?"
환경보호를 실천하는 지구지킴이
Product Information
Depending on the area of use, youmust select the most suitable HUMICON. Consult to find the right model.
If you are curious about thedetails, please contact Humaster anytime.
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We'll answer as soon as possible.
If you're looking for adehumidifier based on its performance,
a sheet of paper for moistureabsorption and moisture-proofing
the highest level ofdehumidification
Made with the best absorbent andmoisture-proof material, husorbe
It is an award-winning patentedmaterial 5 times more than conventionaldehumidifier (silica gel)that can absorb up to 240% of other products.
Thin material that never existed in the world
It's 2mm thin paper material. It bends freely and can be cut easily.
Customize the closet, drawer, bag, etc. in a size that fits the space.
With the deodorizing function,
Official certification test report card: 99% deodorization level
Like catching fish with a net, HUSHEET catches the cause of life odors such as ammonia.
Environmentally friendly certification is mandatory
It is a safe product with green certification technology from the Ministry of Environment.
It is not a product that is certified anywhere that is not environmentally related. It is a green certified product that is directly certified by the Ministry of Environment.
The highest level of antibacterial and antifungal!
Accredited certification test report card: Highest grade certification
The highest-grade antimicrobial and antimicrobial performance of the HUSHEET can catch not only moisture but also bacteria and fungi in an all-in-one manner.
수 많은 제습제 중에서
단연코 유일한 프리미엄

나의 소중한 일상을 보호하고 관리하고 싶다면, 프리미엄을 선택하세요.
Moisture removal power test
Comparison of DehumidificationPerformance of HUSHEET and Silica Gel
Product dry test
Destination: KF94 Mask
Deodorization test
Ammonia Removal Performance and Deodorization Performance Comparison Test
Antimicrobial test
Antifungal test of HUSHEET and silica gel
we developed it myself and patented it myselfIt has been certified as a new technology in Korea.
The best technology and best performance make it incomparable to the existing products.
HUSHEET is not just dehumidification.
Provides moisture absorption and moisture resistance.

When the surrounding air is humid, it absorbs moisture, and when the surrounding air is dry, it discharges moisture again to maintain proper humidity, so it even solves the "problem caused by humidity change."
It's not about removing humidity. It's about managing humidityAbility to manage humidity by location
Evaluation Items
Evaluation Results
Maximum moisture absorption
Maximum moisture absorption@90% RH
241%(more than 5 times the silica gel)
99% to remove odors!HUSHEET Attracts odors
Evaluation Items
Evaluation Results
Deodorization rate
lamineAcetic acid
The unique principle of osmotic pressure!
Ion concentration kills germs and fungi!

Evaluation Items
Evaluation Results
Antimicrobial test
Mixed strain
Grade zero(No mycelium development)
Antibacterial test
E. coli
Staphylococcus aureus
Trust and use it.
Direct production of materials (husorb) in KoreaDirect manufacturing and production of HUSHEET in Korea
We only give you products that have been certified.
Check it!